You are ready to get started! Below is the basic flow for setting up an RWA Client and minting new tokens using Medici.
Install Package
Step 1: Install Medici
yarn add @bridgesplit/rwa-token-sdk
Initialize RWA Client
Step 2: Begin by importing the RWA client, and instantiating it with its respective parameters.
const connectionUrl = process.env.RPC_URL ?? 'http://localhost:8899';
const connection = new Connection(connectionUrl);
const confirmationOptions: ConfirmOptions = {
skipPreflight: false,
maxRetries: 3,
commitment: 'processed'
const config: Config = {
connection: connection,
rpcUrl: connectionUrl,
confirmationOptions: confirmationOptions
/* Setup: payerKp, is just the keypair who will pay for the tx. */
const rwaClient = new RwaClient(config, new Wallet(setup.payerKp))
Initialize an Asset Controller
Step 3: Initialize an asset controller on chain.
const SetupAssetControllerArgs = {
decimals, /* Token decimals */
payer: setup.payer.toString(), /* The wallet who will pay */
authority: setup.authority.toString(), /* Token decimals */
name: 'Test Class Asset',
uri: '',
symbol: 'TFT'
You can always update name, uri, symbol later via
const setupIx = await rwaClient.assetController.setupNewRegistry(SetupAssetControllerArgs)
const txnId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(rwaClient.provider.connection, new Transaction().add(...setupIx.ixs), [setup.payerKp, ...setupIx.signers]);
const mint = setupIx.signers[0].publicKey.toString(); /* Make sure to record assets mint */
Setup Data Registry
Step 4: Create the data registry account.
const createDataAccountArgs: CreateDataAccountArgs = {
type: { legal: {} }, /* This is where your record of legal documentation will go */
name: "Test Data Account",
uri: "",
payer: setup.payer.toString(),
assetMint: mint,
/* Note: you can update the data registry later with rwaClient.dataRegistry.updateAssetsDataAccountInfoIxns() */
const createDataAccountIx = await rwaClient.dataRegistry.setupDataAccount(
const txnId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
new Transaction().add(...createDataAccountIx.ixs),
[setup.payerKp, createDataAccountIx.signers[0]]
const dataAccount = createDataAccountIx.signers[0].publicKey.toString();
Attach a Policy
Step 5: Use the policy engine to attach policies to the asset.
const policyArgs: AttachPolicyArgs = {
authority: setup.authority.toString(),
owner: setup.authority.toString(),
assetMint: mint,
payer: setup.payer.toString(),
/* Identity filter is used for group specific policies */
identityFilter: {
identityLevels: [1],
comparisionType: { or: {} },
policyType: {
identityApproval: {},
The following are example policy's you can pass instead of identity approval:
transactionAmountLimit: {
limit: new BN(100),
transactionAmountVelocity: {
limit: new BN(100000)
timeframe: new BN(60)
transactionCountVelocity: {
limit: new BN(100),
timeframe: new BN(60),
const policyIx = await rwaClient.policyEngine.attachPolicy(policyArgs)
const txnId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(rwaClient.provider.connection, new Transaction().add(...policyIx.ixs), [setup.payerKp, ...policyIx.signers]);
/* Extra accounts that are sent in txns, not defined in the anchor idl */
Setup the First User
Step 6: Setup the first user (developer wallet). This user will hold all the issuance tokens.